Monday, November 12, 2007

Got A Minute?

Now is or is not when
To bring this up
To you
I wish I knew
The answer any answer
That did not anesthetize
The brain of a fallen ape in a universe
So vast that time is small
And small becomes a place
Where matter and space vanish and quarks
Dance with neutrinos on their way
The beginning of round two
The other end
Perpendicular universes
Fifth through twelfth dimensions
Risen angels pinned to cork
The place where language begins
To put back together
All it has torn to pieces
Just in time

1 comment:

Jenbell said...

Ooooh, fascinating! Really interesting pacing and line breaks. I love the ending - "just in time." Grand! I love this one. I'm assuming it was the assignment for this week? If so, perfect accompaniment for an expensive cuppa joe.